How to Choose the Best Pack and Play Playard for Travel

28/05/2017 21:10

For parents who travel with their newborns, it can often be hard to find safe, child proof areas for their children. Portable pack and plays can help with this problem by providing the safe space for your child. We’ve made a list of reasons for having a portable play yard, as well as advices for picking the best one.

Why Pick a Portable Playard?

Some of the advantages of the best pack and play playards for travel include:

·         You don’t have to worry about the hotels and rented apartments not having any cribs available

·         Your newborn gets to sleep in the environment they’re already used to

·         Pack and plays provide a safe playing area, meaning you don’t have to worry about your baby accidentally stumbling upon electrical cables or pointy corners.

What to Look for When Choosing a Playard?

There is a wide variety of playards available on the market, so you should take into account these factors before making a purchase.


Some pack and plays are much more heavy than others, especially if they are not intended for portability. Remember that you will often be carrying it in your luggage, so it might be a good idea to keep the weight down. Thankfully, these top 6 travel playards are more lighter than regular ones, as they are made with mobility in mind.

Size Before and After Setting Up

One of the main aspects of a convenient travel crib is how small it is after you fold it up. However, the size of the assembled pack and play is also worth taking into account. If your baby is very active, it’s better to check that your pack and play is spacious enough to play in. Try to pick a playard that is optimal for both.

Padding and Other Safety Measures

Another big consideration is safety of your playard. A good amount of padding means that your baby will be less likely to hurt themselves. It’s also important to check how easy it is to climb out of the pack and play, so that your child wouldn’t accidentally escape.

Be sure to check that the playard you’re buying meets the American Standards of safety, such as these best pack and play playards, for example.